Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You Know You're a Mom When...

You know you are a mom when you almost start doing a dance for joy when your son has a bowel movement after a bout of constipation. When he finally surmounted his problem, we started doing a joyous rendition of “You’re Mr. Poopy Pants…” to our mutual excitement. Yes, see how your intellectual prowess soars as a mother? No longer do you discuss the latest book you’re reading, world events, nor the most recent exhibit at the art museum. Now it is more likely to be the latest contents of your son’s diaper.

Poor Pumpkin has yet another ear infection. This one came about in a whole new manner. On Sunday afternoon, he suddenly spiked a high fever and had an episode of projectile vomiting (look, another lovely topic to add to your conversational repertoire!) We spoke to the doctor on call that afternoon and then made an appointment to see our normal pediatrician on Monday morning. He also seemed surprised to see another ear infection considering Pumpkin normally has a lingering bout of cold and congestion first prior to having ear problems. He had seemed to be doing better Sunday evening but then his fever spiked again later that night, despite the Tylenol later. In retrospect, I’m glad his fever did spike since I would have assumed it was just a normal viral episode otherwise. After a couple of days on a high powered antibiotic, the Pumpkin is on the mend although his appetite is still off a bit. However, let’s just say that his illness seems to have brought out a rather “willful” side of his personality! Giving him his antibiotic has resulted in several wrestling matches as he attempts to push away my arm with every attempt to give him his medicine, regardless of whether or not it is in a medicine dropper, a bottle mixed with a bit of formula or a bottle with just the medicine itself in there. Lovely, just another eight days with twice daily dosages to go…

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